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Divines smile on you, friend.


本名 内洛斯(尼洛斯)
别号 内大爷
年龄 起码400岁
出身地区 泰姆瑞尔大陆晨风省
活动范围 索瑟姆泰尔密希临
所属团体 泰尔瓦尼家族
个人状态 定居泰尔密希临研究心石与灰烬魔



内洛斯是晨风省泰尔瓦尼家族的家族议员之一,同时也是一名天才附魔师,研究心石与灰烬魔。在整个索瑟姆,人们对内洛斯避而不及。乌鸦岩的大多数居民都认为他是一个不羁和疯狂的巫师,而他自己的仆人们则认为他是一个冷漠,专制的主管。他与他人的互动只是证实了这些特征,他经常给人留下自恋、冷酷无情、坦率的印象。从内洛斯的言语中,可以明显感受到他对泰尔瓦尼家族大法师这一殊荣的无比自豪。 内洛斯蔑视大多数人,认为他们只是进一步追求自己的一种手段。对内洛斯来说,每个人都是可以替代的。这意味着他的目标一旦实现,他就会毫无保留地危及人们的生命——这是他公开承认的、毫不犹豫承认的事实。他把感恩看作是对软弱和愚蠢的人的展示,但相反,他并没有高额地奖励那些听从他命令的人。他认为米拉克与其说是威胁,不如说是一种骚扰。



在《上古卷轴3:晨风》(3E427年)中,内洛斯就已出场。在那时,内洛斯是Sadrith Mora(丹莫语意为:蘑菇森林)的主人。内洛斯有一大批藏品,甚至连梅鲁涅斯的剃刀都曾被内洛斯收藏过。作为一名天才附魔师,内洛斯收集了一根暗夜掌控者·阿兹拉(Azra Nightwielder)的法杖并对其研究。与其他泰尔瓦尼家族议员一起,他承认尼瑞瓦因是Hortator(鼓战者)。



内洛斯研究心石的同时,还对树精的身体进行研究。经过研究,他相信心石可以植入一个人的胸部代替他们的心脏,赋予他们巨大的力量。他考虑用心石代替自己的心脏,但最后改为对徒弟伊达利进行了手术。4E181年,内洛斯开始了手术,伊达利的心脏被心石替代。但手术失败了,伊达利因此而死。内洛斯把她葬在泰尔密希林后,让塔瓦斯·法特里翁(Talvas Fathryon)作为他的新学徒,继续他的研究。


















任务进度 玩家/内洛斯的行动 内洛斯的回答 触发条件
在任务“龙裔”进行中 靠近内洛斯 “You there... You don't quite seem to be in the same state as the others. Very interesting. May I ask what it is you're doing here?”
“我在寻找一个叫米拉克的人。” “Miraak...Miraak... It sounds familiar but I cant quite place... Oh. Wait. I recall. But that makes very little sense. Miraak's been dead for thousands of years.”
“那是什么意思?” “I'm not sure, but it is fascinating, isn't it. Perhaps it has some relation to what's going on here. Quite unexpected. I'm afraid I can't give you any answers. But there are ruins of an ancient temple of Miraak's toward the center of the island. If I were you, I'd look there.”
“你是谁?你在这里干什么?” “It's true that I normally prefer to stay home and conduct my research in peace. Everything's so much more convenient there. But, given that something seems to be taking control of the minds of all the inhabitants, I thought it worth investigating.”
“为什么你不像其他人一样受到影响?” “I have gone to some pains to ensure that I am immune to many forms of control. I cannot say for certain which is currently protecting me, but it bears further investigation at some point.”
“这些人在做什么?” “Building something, clearly. And yet they don't seem to have much to say about it. I'm very interested to find out what happens when they finish.”
“你有没有试图阻止这种情况?” “Certainly not! Doing so would interfere with whatever is going on, and I would be unable to see how this all turns out.”
在任务“知识之路”进行中 “黑暗魔经与赫麦尤斯·莫拉有什么关系吗?” “You didn't know? Hmm, I thought it was obvious. Hermaeus Mora has always tried to seduce mortals into his service with the lure of forbidden knowledge. Where the Black Books actually came from... no one really knows. Some appear to have been written in the past, others might be from the future. Apparently time is more malleable if you're a Daedric Prince of fate and destiny.”
“我找到了一本黑暗魔经。我需要找到更多。” “Found one? Yes, and you read it, too, didn't you? Don't try to deny it, you've got the look. I can see it now. Dangerous knowledge is still knowledge and therefore useful. Usually turns out to be the most useful, in my experience.”
“我以前和赫麦尤斯·莫拉打过交道。我读过无限智典。” “Have you? The actual Oghma Infinium? That's... I've searched for it myself for many years without success... Well then, you should know better than anyone that Hermaeus Mora is not to be trifled with. But he is subtler than most of the other Daedric Princes, as you would expect of the prince of knowledge and fate. You seem to have escaped the fate of many who find themselves ensnared forever by the lure of his secrets. Or... perhaps not.”
赫麦尤斯·莫拉是谁?” “If you have to ask that, you'd probably be best leaving his books to wiser heads than yours. Like all Daedric Princes, he's not to be trifled with. But he is subtler than most of his ilk, appropriate for the prince of knowledge and fate. Many scholars and loremasters have been ensnared by the lure of learning the secrets that only Hermaeus Mora possesses. But don't worry. I have no intention of joining them in their endless search through the infinite halls of Apocrypha.”
“所以你知道在哪里可以找到那本黑暗魔经吗?与米拉克联系有联系的那个?” “es I do. I haven't been able to get it, though. But maybe together we can unlock the secrets the Dwemer left behind.”
“锻莫?这和他们有什么关系呢?” “Forbidden knowledge was somewhat a specialty of the dwarves, eh? You don't think they would just leave it alone, do you? It seems the ancient Dwemer discovered this book and took it to study. I have found their 'reading room' in the ruins of Nchardak. The book is there, but it's sealed in a protective case which I wasn't able to open. But perhaps the two of us together will be able to get the book. To Nchardak, then. Follow me.”
“只要告诉我这本书在哪里,我就去拿它。” “I'm afraid it isn't that simple. If it was, I would have the book already.”
“为什么你的书不能帮我?” “Oh, it clearly is not associated with the same power that has overtaken the island. And I'm not talking about Hermaeus Mora. These Black Books are all his, of course. No, what you're looking for is a specific book. Presumably because Miraak's power derives from it.”
来到钠查达克外 “The Dwemer certainly knew how to build for the ages. These towers have outlasted their creators by millenia. The book is housed inside that dome. I'll need to unlock the door for us. Lets get on with it.”
“The Dwemer of Nchardak appear to have been fond of these control pedestals. Luckily I found a cube to operate it inside on my last visit. I sealed the door when I left to keep out ignorant meddlers. Let me unlock it.”
进入钠查达克阅览室 “You can see the book right there. So tantalizingly close... But trust me, no magic will open that. I'd have had the book already if I could. No, we'll have to do this the hard way. If we can restore the steam supply to this room, I'm certain I can open it. As you'll see, that's easier said than done. This way to the boilers.”
进入钠查达克会议厅 “The last time I was here, I only explored a small part of the ruins. I was here alone then, and I find an assistant is absolutely essential for this kind of dirty, dangerous work.”
“Nchardak, The 'City of a Hundred Towers'. In its day it was the largest of the great Dwemer Archives and perhaps the most advanced. In the old stories, when the Nords came to conquer it, it's said the Dwemer sumberged the entire city beneath the sea until the invaders gave up. I have my doubts. But the city was a marvel of Dwemer engineering. Now reduced to this.As you can see, most of the lower levels of the city are flooded. but it isn't hopeless - the old Dwemer pumps still seem to work. Watch.”
“The pumps only operate when a cube is in the pedestal. And unfortunately, I have only one cube. These four boilers provide steam to the room upstairs. They're shut down, but they still respond to the control cubes. So, if we can find four more cubes, we can turn these boilers back on and restore steam power to the room upstairs. Then I should be able to open the book's protective case. Bring that cube. We'll need it.”
“Yes... here we are. This device shows the location of four more cubes in this section of the city. It looks like most of the cubes were moved to the lower levels, perhaps to try to control the flooding before the city was abandoned. Interesting. That would suggest that the city must have originally sunk during the first cataclysm of Red Mountain. Or that the Dwemer's servitors continued to try to preserve the city after their creators' disappearance.”
“Three of the cubes are through here. This seems like a sensible place to start. You should be able to unseal this door with the control cube I gave you.”
“我们如何把这本书从它的盒子里拿出来?” “It won't be easy. The whole lower part of the city is flooded, which has shut down the boilers which supply steam to the reading room. If we can restore the steam supply, I'm certain I can open the book's protective case.”
“为什么我们需要这些立方体?” “I thought I made myself clear the first time. The boilers in the Great Hall provide steam to the reading room upstairs, which we need in order to open the book's protective case. We need a total of five cubes - one to operate the pumps in the Great Hall, the other four to activate the boilers.”
“我以为我一开始就把事情说清楚了。大厅里的锅炉为楼上的阅览室提供蒸汽,我们需要这些蒸汽才能打开书的保险箱。我们总共需要五个立方体 - 一个用于操作大厅中的水泵,另外四个用于激活锅炉。”
进入钠查达克工作坊 “I hope the rest of the cubes are this easy to find. Although knowing the Dwemer, I rather doubt it.These must be the 'Great Workshops of Nchardak'. Impressive even in ruins. In the city's days of glory, it was reputed to be able to assemble a complete automaton in a single day. Much of the Dwemer army at the Battle of Red Mountain must have come from here.”
“It looks like we'll need to lower the water level to make any more progress." or "I believe these pillars will activate the pumps for this room, assuming they still work.”
激活锅炉 “With the cube I retrieved from the pumping pedestal, we should now have five cubes - exactly what we need. Now we can finally see about getting those boilers started.”
“使用我从水泵基座上取出的立方体,我们现在应该有五个立方体 - 这正是我们需要的。现在我们终于可以看到如何启动这些锅炉了。”
“I thought you understood how this worked by now. The water level needs to be lower for the boilers to work at all.”or “I'm quite sure the boilers will not work while they're under water.”
“我以为你现在明白了这是怎么回事。水位需要降低,锅炉才能工作。”或 “我很确定锅炉在水下时不会工作。”
“As much as I enjoy this place, I'm ready to see if we can actually open the book's protective case. You do still remember why we're here?”
“I'm going to head back upstairs and see if the reading room has steam. If so, it should be a simple matter to release the book.”
取出黑暗魔经 “Now that the boilers are working, it should be simple to release the book from it's protective case.At last. I hope it was worth it. Please... be my guest. You deserve the first look. Besides, it could be very dangerous. These books are known to drive many people insane.”
内洛斯踱步 “What's the worst that could happen? Well, you could have your mind sucked dry by Hermaeus Mora... but that's supposed to be very rare.”
内洛斯踱步 “Please, go right ahead. I have plenty to occupy me for the moment.”
内洛斯踱步 “Aren't you going to read it? I thought that was the whole reason you dragged me out here.”
内洛斯踱步 “You should read it. I'd really like to see what happens.”
内洛斯踱步 “Don't worry, I'll take careful notes of what happens to you.”
内洛斯踱步 “Oh good. Be sure to say hello to Hermaeus Mora for me if you see him.”
任务“人类园丁”进行中 从伪经回到现实。 “What happened? What did you see?”
“我和赫麦尤斯·莫拉谈过。” “You're still acting surprisingly sane, too. What did he have to say? He must have wanted something from you.”
“我学会了意志屈服的第二个单词” “No wonder the Dwemer were so interested in that book. It was indeed one that Miraak used to advance his power as Dragonborn. But I assume there's some bad news? It would be unlike Hermaeus Mora to allow anyone to gain such knowledge without exacting a price.”
“赫麦尤斯·莫拉想要“斯卡尔的秘密”来换取意志屈服的第三个单词”[1] “Hmph. What secrets could they have worth keeping from old Mora? Sounds like a bargain to me. Hermaeus Mora learns some fascinating new ways to skin a horker and you become the second most powerful Dragonborn that ever lived. Well that gives me a lot to think about. I need to get back to Tel Mithryn. I have some ideas about how to locate more of these Black Books...”
“我发现自己在另一个地方。” “That's a fairly common experience, at least for those who remain coherent enough to report what they've seen. You were in Apocrypha. Or at least your consciousness was - your body remained here of course. You should read the book again until you reach what appears to be the 'end' - then you will have fully understood the knowledge it contains.”
“这是一个相当常见的经历,至少对于那些保持足够理智来诉说他们所看到的事情的人来说。你在伪经中,至少你的意识是 - 你的身体当然留在这里。你应该再读一遍这本书,直到你到达看起来是'结束'的东西——然后你就会完全理解它所包含的知识。”
任务“伪经之巅”完成后拜访内洛斯 走近内洛斯 “Hold still. Let me get a good look at you.”
“你在找什么?” “Incipient madness. Loss of self-awareness. Black spots in the whites of the eyes. Any of the documented indications of Hermaeus Mora's permanent influence. Hm, no, you look fine. At least no different than when I first saw you.”
“你不需要担心我。” “I wasn't worried. Just interested. I don't get to observe first-hand many people who've spoken to Hermaeus Mora.”
“你想知道米拉克发生了什么事吗?” “Who? Oh him. Well, I assume you killed him. Or Hermaeus Mora turned on him when you looked like the winning bet. Or a bit of both. Miraak's influence has vanished from Solstheim, so I assumed you had handled things. Why, did something interesting happen?”
“不,没什么有意思的。我刚刚杀死了米拉克,救了索瑟姆” “Well, that is what you hero types do, isn't it? I wasn't expecting anything less.”
“你似乎并不太感激。” “I don't recall asking you to kill Miraak. That was your own project. And now I'm not even mentioning the fact that now we'll never know what would have happened when Miraak returned. Although... from all indications he could have proved a serious nuisance. So, yes, I am grateful that you dealt with him.”
内洛斯结束对话(选项一) “Now all that's left are these Black Books. It's a shame I haven't located any more. So much more to be learned.”
内洛斯结束对话(选项二) “Now all that's left are these Black Books, waiting for another ambitious fool to be lured into Hermaeus Mora's clutches. Speaking of which... I think I've located another book, if you're interested. Here, let me show you.”
由选项二开始“失落的知识”任务 “Miraak was a formidable opponent. I wonder what he would have been like as my apprentice.”or “Defeating Miraak was an impressive feat. I'm curious to see if Hermaeus Mora seeks you out because of it.”
“米拉克是一个强大的对手。我很想知道他作为我的学徒会是什么样。”或 “击败米拉克是一项令人印象深刻的壮举。我很好奇赫麦尤斯·莫拉是否会因此而找你。”



任务进度 玩家/内洛斯的行动 内洛斯的回答 触发条件
“你找到黑暗魔经了吗?” “Yes. Hermaeus Mora is devious, but then so am I. Now, it's only a rumor of a whisper of a conjecture. But I think this is the place. Now, hurry. That book might contain the final secrets of Xarxes, for all we know.”
找到黑暗魔经,与内洛斯交谈。 “Excellent! I'll just make a copy for myself. It's far too dangerous to carry the real book around. Of course, I'm sure you can handle yourself. Of course you can. Of course. Now, take this for your efforts, and we'll call the matter closed.”


拜访内洛斯 “Where is that ash sucking steward of mine? Varona!”
与内洛斯交谈 “Have you seen Varona? I'm hungry.”
“没有看见。” “Well find her. Tell her I want apple cabbage stew, with some canis root tea.”
“你为什么不自己泡茶呢?” “What? Make my own tea? I am a master wizard of the house Telvanni. Other people make tea for me.”
“当然,内洛斯大师。正如你所吩咐的。” “Finally. Someone who recognizes my importance around here.”
“嘿,我不是你的仆人。” “Obviously not, or you would have a cup of tea in your hands. I supposed you want to be asked nicely. Very well. Please, oh hero of Skyrim. Please find Varona. I shall be ever so grateful.”
“瓦罗娜死了” “Dead? Well that's annoying. How did she die?”
“她被灰烬魔袭击至死。” “There are more and more of those things showing up around here lately. I suppose you'll have to find me a new steward. Try Raven Rock. They are in awe of me there. I'm sure almost anyone would be willing to serve me.”
“我应该找一个什么样的人?” “Hmm. Excellent question. Once word gets out, there will be a lot of people to choose from. Someone with a brilliant mind and robust physique that is blindly obedient would be ideal. Oh, and they need to know how to brew tea. Ulves always waters it down.”
“你不能随便命令我” “Well, somebody needs to get me a new steward. It might as well be you. But if you don't want to help a master wizard of House Telvanni, possibly earning his favor, you're a fool.”
“这对我来说有什么好处?” “So gaining the favor of a Telvanni wizard isn't enough? I suppose I'll have to pay you. Heroes. They get greedier every century.”
询问他新管家怎么样。 “That Drovas man? I suppose he'll do. He makes dreadful canis root tea though. But, I should be grateful. Here, take this for your efforts.”
“你和新管家相处的怎么样?” “The man makes a dreadful cup of canis root tea. However, he seems to run the place well enough. Oh. Were you fishing for a compliment? A sign of gratitude? Don't waste your time. Those things are for the weak and foolish.”
任务“泰尔瓦尼研究” “你的研究需要帮助么?” “Hmm. I do have a new spell I'm working on. I hope to be able to conjure ash spawn. If I could get a sample of ash from an ash spawn, that would be quite useful. I've made this special tool that will extract... well, you don't need to know the details. Just go harvest a sample. Of course, the creature will have to be dead first, but I trust that's something you can... bring about.”
给内洛斯灰烬魔样本 “Well done. Here are some septims for your troubles. If you come back in a day or two I should have the spell worked out. You can buy it from Talvas.”
任务“心石” 完成泰尔瓦尼研究任务后拜访泰尔密希临 “Curse these heart stones!”
“你的研究需要帮助么?” “I've been having difficulties with my heart stone experiments. Have you heard of the Briarhearts? They are fierce warriors of the Forsworn tribes. They actually remove their own hearts, and replace them with large briar seeds. It puts their lifesparks in direct connection to the natural forces. I need you to examine one of them. Just investigate as much as you can. I'm going to put this memory trace spell on you, so you won't have to worry about taking notes. I doubt you could know what was important anyway.”
“在哪找到他们?” “The Forsworn live in the hills on the western edge of Skyrim. From there, you're on your own. I'm given to understand that they are not difficult to find, if you gather my inference.”
“荆棘之心和心石有什么关系?” “Well, I'm hoping to do something similar... if I could connect a living being to the forces of the Red Mountain well... that would be formidable. I've done some experiments in this area, but, well, my test subjects are far too fragile. I'm hoping to learn some of the Briarheart techniques, their methods. Would venture out myself, but long voyages and dangerous risks are precisely what people like you are for.”
完成任务 “Oh have you? Well, let me just extract those memories and I'll see if you found anything useful. I promise that any unrelated memories I run across will be kept in the strictest of confidences. Here, you deserve a bit of reward for your efforts... that was a lengthy trip for you, I'm sure!"”
“你学到了什么吗?” “The connecting soul thread is knotted three times, once for the heart, once for the spirit, and once for the body. The knot gives the connection a strength that may be the key that I've been looking for.”
任务“老朋友” “有人在攻击你?” “Yes. I have enemies. Legions of them back in Morrowind. However, in this case I have reason to believe it is someone in Solstheim.”
“我觉得你想让我杀了他们” “Not yet. That may come later. First I need to identify the culprit. I've enchanted this ring to find the source of the attacks. Here, take it.”
“我能获得赏金吗?” “Don't get ahead of yourself. All you are going to do is wear this ring and walk around Tel Mithryn. If you find something, then we can talk about bounties and rewards.”
“你怎么知道自己受到了攻击?” “Ash spawn keep appearing. One night a part of my tower mysteriously withered. Then my steward was killed. You had to find me a replacement. I've even been attacked by dragons! Do I need to go on?”
“我不觉得龙是来找你麻烦的。” “Maybe not. I hear they've been seen over Skyrim too. Even so, there is more than enough evidence that someone is out to get me.”
“我曾经看到一条龙” “Really? When this is over, you'll have to tell me all about it.”
“戒指该怎么用?” “Just wear it. It will light up the source when you get close to it. I enchanted the ring with a bit of ash from the last ash spawn attack. It can follow the magical link back to its summoner.”
“我必须离多近?” “The link is weak, so you'll have to be within about a hundred feet of the source.”
“我找到了这个心石。” “Hmm. I've known for decades that heart stones will animate the ash. But it would have to be very close by. Where exactly did you find this heart stone?”
“这是在伊达利的墓里找到的。” “Ildari? Then it's my own fault. She was my apprentice before Talvas. She volunteered for one of my experiments involving heart stones. It was quite annoying when she died.”
“实验,你对她做了什么?” “My necropsies of Spriggans led me to believe that a heart stone could be implanted in a person's chest, granting them great power. I was considering replacing my heart with a heart stone. Fortunately Ildari offered to let me operate on her first. Of course this was before your briarheart expedition. Now I know that I did the surgery all wrong.”
“坟墓里没有尸体,只有这块心石。” “What?! That's impossible. Wait... unless she didn't actually die! The heart stone could have kept her right at the edge of life and death. Could it be? Could Ildari still be alive? Could she be my nemesis? Wait a moment while I cast a more specific divination.”
内洛斯的占卜 “I call upon the powers of the sun, moons and stars. Ildari Sarothril, reveal yourself!She lives. Seek her in Highpoint Tower.”
内洛斯的占卜结束 “So, Ildari does live after all. She thought she could hide from me, but she can't! She's holed up in Highpoint Tower. Go rip that thrice cursed heart stone from her chest.”
“为什么是我去不是你去?” “I don't have time to go traipsing all over Solstheim. If I don't hear back from you after a while, you're probably dead. Maybe I'll send Talvas out next.”
“那她有赏金吗?” “Why is it always about money? Yes, yes. I'll find something around here to pay you with. Now go.”
“你要来吗?” “Me? No. Highpoint Tower will be filled with monsters and traps. It's much safer for me to risk your life. Don't worry. If you die, I'll find some other way to take care of Ildari.”/“Be sure to bring back an amusing story of how Ildari died."”
解决完伊达利 “You're alive. I hope that bodes ill for Ildari. Well, well. You have proven to be a more valuable ally than I anticipated. I have a staff for you, but I would also like to make you a member of my household. A member of House Telvanni. No need to thank me. I know you are overwhelmed with gratitude.”
阿兹拉的法杖 “你的研究需要帮助吗?” “Perhaps later. For now I have a slightly more personal request. You see, I'm a collector. Of staffs. Magical staffs. In particular, those made by Azra Nightwielder. Through some divinations, I believe I've located one. If you retrieve it, I'll give you a staff of my own making. Nightwielder's creations don't really hold up in comparison to what can be made today, but they have a sentimental value for me. You understand.”
“阿兹拉是谁?” “He was the original shadowmage. His advances in magic are legendary. Less well known is that he was also a pioneer in the field of enchanting staffs. Every staff of his that I have uncovered has led me to greater understanding. Today we would consider his techniques rudimentary, but the genius is still evident.”
找到阿兹拉的法杖 “You didn't have to speak a word. I could sense it the moment you came in. You've proven your worth, and I'm as good as my word. Take this staff from my personal collection. I think you'll find it useful.”
风与沙 “你的研究需要帮助吗?” “Can you? Of course you can. What took you so long to ask? I've been trying to adapt Redguard magic to the ash. I think the key concept I'm missing is recorded in Afa-Saryat's book, Wind and Sand. I have some associates and correspondents who find things for me. One of them has a credible rumor on where this book might be. And I'd like you to find the truth of the matter.”
找到了《风与沙》 “So? Do you have it? Did you get my book? / Perhaps this particular source was worth more than I thought he was. Pity. In any case, this is truly amazing. I think I can adapt this into a sort of whirlwind vortex energy. Yes, yes. I'll write it out, and you can pick up a copy from Talvas in a few days. In the mean time, take this for helping me.”
“所以?你拿到我的书了吗?/ 也许这个消息来源的价值比我想象的要高。无论如何,这真是太棒了。我想我可以把它变成一种旋风漩涡的能量。是的,是的。我会写出来的,几天后你就可以从塔瓦斯那里拿到一份。同时,拿走属于你的报酬。”
实验A “你的研究需要帮助吗?” “I suppose that depends. Are you willing to be an experimental subject?”
“你想做什么实验?” “Oh, nothing too dangerous. It should provide an additional spectral tether from your own lifespark to the aedric realm. You would experience it as a sort of... increased vigor. You would fight longer, feel stronger, that sort of thing. At least I think it will. Probably. Almost certainly. Of course, you never can tell.”
“不,谢谢,这听起来像个坏主意。” “Seems like nobody is willing to put their life on the line for research any more. I'm sure Talvas won't mind being my test subject again.”
“我很乐意帮忙” “Now stand still... it's my first time casting this spell, and I don't need any additional distractions.”
释放法术中 “You won't feel a thing. But if you do, try not to scream too loudly. My ears are sensitive.”
释放法术后 “Off you go. If you discover any side effects, come back and tell me straight away.”
报告副作用 “Wet, you say? I suppose... yes, I can see how that would have inverted the tether. Unfortunate. Couldn't you simply avoid water? No, no, that won't do. Can't have you forgo bathing... The ashlands can leave one a bit pungent and it's, eh, obvious you've been through them. Here, I'll just remove it. Here's a bit of coin. Should help mitigate your inconvenience.”
实验B “你的研究需要帮助吗?” “Well, I believe I've discovered a new form of silence. Some philosophers postulate seven orders of silence, but I believe there's an eighth. If you allow me, I'd like to envelop you in the eighth form, to study the mental effects. What do you say?”
“不了,这听起来很危险。” “That's unfortunate. I'll have to use Talvas again, and he's a bit of a screamer. Although... maybe this could solve two problems...”
“我很乐意帮忙。” “Excellent. If this works, I'll prepare a version that you can cast yourself, if you ever wish to inflict... er, study silence.”
施展法术后 “Well that's unexpected. I presume you are blind, given the state of your eyes."”
塔瓦斯说话 “Master Neloth! What have you done to him/her? What are those things growing out of his/her eyes?”
内洛斯说话 “Well that's unexpected. I presume you are blind, given the state of your eyes. It's nothing that can't be fixed. The spell that is. I think I can fix the spell. It should only take a couple more years. But first, I need some data. Try wiggling them. No, don't shake your fist. Wiggle the tentacle things where your eyes used to be.”
塔瓦斯说话 “I think I'm going to be sick.”
内洛斯说话 “Hmm. From the way they are waving about, I'm assuming they aren't under your control. And I see now that your tongue is also...well, it's probably best if I don't say. Don't bother trying to scream though.”
塔瓦斯说话 “Is it over yet? Does he/she have eyes again?”
内洛斯说话 “It looks like it's beginning to wear off. Hmm. Your eyes appear to be completely back to normal. Interesting.”
“你对我释放这种法术不用给我赔偿吗?” “I suppose I do. It's too bad it wore off so quickly though. Unfortunately you don't appear to be suffering from any side effects. Anyway, take this for your time.”


条件 台词
在接受“治愈房屋”任务之前 “How am I supposed to get anything done with part of the tower withered like this?”
完成任务“修复房屋”后 “Now that my tower is healed, I can finish some of my more delicate experiments.”
“How do you like my new laboratory? I use it to dissect spriggans. I've learned so much from them.”
“Talvas, I think I'll start with the burnt spriggan. They don't squirm as much.”
在任务“不情愿的管家”和“老朋友”期间 “Everything that can go wrong is going wrong. Ash spawn attacks, my house, and even my steward is assassinated.”
完成任务《不情愿的管家》 “Where is that lazy steward of mine? Varona! No, wait. She's dead. Drovas!”
“My new steward is...acceptable. If only he made better tea.”
在任务《老朋友》期间 “First it's ash spawn attacks. Then my home withers. It's almost like someone is out to get me.”
任务《老朋友》完成 “Things have been much calmer since you disposed of Ildari.”
完成任务“实验课题B” “It was fascinating to watch those tentacles grow out of your eyes.”
时间为夜晚,完成任务“清理圣石”前 “All of my people have left to work on that sacred stone. It's quite fascinating. Annoying, but fascinating.”
完成任务“清理圣石”后 “It's good to have everyone not running off to that damn sacred stone every night. I suppose I have you to thank for that.”
在任务“知识之路”中遇到克罗苏哈 “By Malacath's toenails, where did that come from?”


条件 对话
战斗开始 “Fire, storm and ice!”
“By the fires of Red Mountain!"”
“So you chose to day to die...”
嘲笑对手 “Dagon's eyeballs, but you're an ugly one, aren't you?”
“I am a master wizard of House Telvanni!”
“You cannot best my magic!”
“The very elements are at my command!”
攻击对手 “You are no match for my magic!”
“Learn the power of the Telvanni!”
“For House Telvanni!”
“Fear my power!”
“Die N'wah!”
“Damn fetcher!”
“I've just the spell for you!”
“Time to die!”
被攻击击中 “Ah...damn you!"”
“Uh...now it's my turn!”
“By Malacath's hairy knuckles, you'll pay for that!”
看不见敌人 “You can't hide from a Telvanni wizard!"”
“Some sort of trickery is at work here.”
“So you want to play hide and seek, eh?”
“You can only hide so long.”
“I'll find you.”
“Come out!”
听到噪音 “Just the shadows playing tricks.”
“Is someone there?”
“I could have sworn...oh well.”
“What was that?”
“Hmm. Nothing, I guess.”
“Come out this instant!”
“Yes? Who's there?”
“Hmm? Show yourself!”
放弃搜索敌人 “Ha! I guess they fled.”
“Must have scared them away.”
“Well. Nobody is here now.”
寻找隐藏的敌人 “Thought you could hide, eh?”
“So that's where you went!”
“There you are!”
向他投降(收起武器或魔法) “So, you are smart enough to surrender to a master wizard of the House Telvanni.”
“I should kill you anyway, but that would be boring.”
与龙战斗 “You are no match for me, dragon!”
“I command powers you can only dream of!”
击败对手 “That's that.”
“Hardly a challenge.”
“No match for my magic.”
“Should have known better than to challenge a master wizard of the House Telvanni.”


条件 对话
问候 “If you're going to be up here, stay out of my way.”
“Do you need all your toes? I could really use a fresh toe for...nevermind. You aren't moldy enough.”
“It's as if Tel Mithryn is cursed. Spoiled food, ash spawn attacks, my servants constantly getting sick. What's next?”
“The ash from Red Mountain holds secrets. Secrets I mean to uncover.”
告别 “Now where did I put...Oh, yeah.”
“Finally. I can get back to work.”
“Are we done? I thought so.”
“That's that then.”
试图偷窃他 “Do you have a death wish?”
“I wouldn't if I were you. A wizard's pockets can be more dangerous than a dragon's mouth.”
“Keep your prying hands away from my secrets.”
“Get your hand out of my pocket!”
偷窃被发现 “Does stealing make you feel less impotent?”
“I see you have little in the way of morals.”
“Thief! I'll teach you.”
“So you think you can steal from me?”
攻击他 “You dare attack me?”
“I'll make you pay for that!”
撞到东西 “Clumsy oaf!”
“Watch out! My equipment is fragile.”
撞到他 “Watch where you're going.”
“Stop that!”
使用龙吼 “Yes, yes. You're Dragonborn. We're all very impressed.”
“Was that really necessary?”
检查尸体 “What a waste of a good specimen.”
“Hmm. I'll have to get someone to bring this to my lab.”
在泰尔密希临的树精房间附近时 “Well, my pretties. What shall we do today? Maybe see if you can regenerate your fingers?”
“There must be a way. I'll find it if I have to vivisect every spriggan on this island.”
遇到/攻击锻莫自动机械 “I admire the Dwemer skill but it can get tiresome.”
“Try putting yourself back together now.”
“Another one for the scrap heap of history.”
“More of these things?”
“There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of these Dwemer contraptions.”
“I think they may be rebuilding themselves while we're not looking.”
捡起一个东西 “What do you think you're doing?”
“That belongs to me.”
变成狼人 “A werewolf? Here?”


  1. 斯卡尔的秘密是斯卡尔萨满代代相传的沟通“造物主”的方式,斯卡尔村一开始能抵抗米拉克精神控制就是得益于此。
  2. “老莫拉”是斯卡尔人对赫麦尤斯·莫拉的称呼
  3. 实际上乌鸦岩居民连泰尔密希临都巴不得绕着走。
  4. 乌思是泰尔密希临的厨师。
  5. 原文septims为赛普汀,是泰姆瑞尔大陆的标准货币。
  6. 内洛斯还在晨风省时就曾遭遇过刺杀。
  7. 这个任务就是你在白漫城的西部哨塔杀第一条龙。
  8. 原文写的就是100英尺,“a hundred feet”。
  9. N'wah是丹莫语的骂人话,用来指代任何不是丹莫的外人。
  10. “fetcher”为丹莫语音译单词,意思并不是读取器。目前没有一个明确的单词能表示这个单词是什么意思。按精确的来说应该音译,这句话的中文需要空着。按推测来说,“fetcher”应该是一个用来辱骂的词语,所以中文处写“该死的混蛋”。条目编写者注